2nd Order SolutionsQuantifying Uncertainty in Credit and LendingAuthors: Mikhal Ben-Joseph, Syed Raza, and Aaron McGuireAug 61Aug 61
2nd Order SolutionsPartnership with the Duke MIDS Program: Evaluating Fairness in Credit ML ModelsAuthors: (2OS) Michael Sarkis and Jennifer Kreizenbeck; (Duke MIDS) Genesis Qu, Pragya Rahuvanshi, Yiyu Lin, and Yinting ZhongJul 16Jul 16
2nd Order SolutionsNavigating the Wave: Generative AI in Financial ServicesAuthor: Andy ZhongMay 28May 28
2nd Order SolutionsDebt Settlement Companies: What They Are and Why They Matter to LendersAuthors: Reese Quillian, Justin Metacarpa, Dave WasikMay 7May 7
2nd Order SolutionsLeveraging Design of Experiments in Financial ServicesAuthor: Alice LiuApr 16Apr 16
2nd Order SolutionsPrimer: Basel III Endgame Impact on Consumer LendingAuthors: Mikhal Ben-Joseph, Mara Albaugh, and Scott BartonApr 2Apr 2
2nd Order SolutionsEnhancing Trust in Credit Risk Models: A Comparative Analysis of EBMs and GBMsAuthors: Congcong Ma, Solange Umuhoza, and Alice LiuFeb 20Feb 20